YouTube Channel!
A HUGE thank you to all my Tweeps, YouTubers, G+ers, and regular readers that helped me get up 100+ Likes on the Sud Savant Facebook page!!! As promised, all the folks that helped me make that jump were entered into a drawing to win a free beer. Well, that moment has arrived. Drumroll, please...
A HUGE thank you to all my Tweeps, YouTubers, G+ers, and regular readers that helped me get up 100+ Likes on the Sud Savant Facebook page!!! As promised, all the folks that helped me make that jump were entered into a drawing to win a free beer. Well, that moment has arrived. Drumroll, please...
The folks down at Brewsees were kind enough to send these in the giving spirit of the holiday season. If this video sounds like an ad, it's not, I just think that highly of them. I've been wearing these non-stop since I got them (showers excluded) and can't wait to start some great conversations at the next beer fest.
You can check these out for yourself on, @Brewsees on Twitter, or just snag one of the endless coupons they throw out on Facebook simply by "liking" them.
These beers were left out in the sun after a graduation party and were no doubt skunked beyond belief. Being the innovative and enterprising young lads were are, we found a use for them after all.
We give new meaning to "shotgunning beer."
"How to make Summer Beer"
"I am a craft beer drinker."
"I Am A Craft Brewer"